If it has two wheels, a chain and requires muscle power to move, I've probably ridden it. I've had some good adventures on my bikes and always have my eye out for a new one.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Deep into the pain cave at Leonardtown Crit

Here's a couple pics of me at the Leonardtown Criterium, right here in SoMD. In both I am at the front however one is before I spectacularly blew up and one is after I recovered a bit. Little training and an open bar at a wedding reception the night before do not engender high performance. However I was top 7 for the first 5 laps. Then the wheels came off and I rocketed out the back of the pack. Oh well, at least I had a brief bit of glory and did lead for a lap. BEFORE:


A sharp eye will note the mid-90s era Campy Shamal wheels, much like Indurain used, and the 1997 Campy record gruppo on the 2006 Litespeed Ghisallo. Someday I'll get a new gruppo, but this stuff just keeps on working!
The first pic can also be seen at gamjams.net if you're interested. Thanks to Mancil of PV for these shots.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Possible pay dirt!

Well, 2 couples are putting together bids for our house. In a dream world they will battle each other for the privelege of owning this place...meaning drive the asking price up. In this market though, I'll be pretty happy to get what we're asking for. Now I just need to find a new home for myself, yikes!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Au revoir!

Soon I will be leaving all this behind and getting my own office, albeit in a much more industrial setting. I will be leaving the wonderful world of consulting for the world of manufacturing. Quite a change but should be rather interesting.