If it has two wheels, a chain and requires muscle power to move, I've probably ridden it. I've had some good adventures on my bikes and always have my eye out for a new one.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Days of Yore

I'm in Winston-Salem, NC, visiting my pal Herbert, who recently moved here from Chattanooga. W-S is where I spent my formative cycling years while in college at Wake Forest University. One of my favorite rides back then, (16 years since I graduated), was to go out and climb Pilot Mountain. Back then it didn't seem too far away. Yesterday Herbert and I rode out there and it seemed like a looooooong ride. The climb was as difficult as I remembered, I'm glad I had a 26t cog in the cluster. I guess when you are young and stupid 23t is all you need. Now my knees aren't so tough. It was a great day for a bike ride but I can tell that I don't have the physical capacity of a 20 year old anymore. I guess when I race now I have old age and treachery on my side rather than pure animal strength.

It's been fun being in W-S again. They are doing a lot to rebuild downtown. W-S isn't up to Chattanooga's level of downtown quality but I have a feeling they'll get there. Now that Herbert and Amy live here I'll be looking for excuses to visit more frequently.