If it has two wheels, a chain and requires muscle power to move, I've probably ridden it. I've had some good adventures on my bikes and always have my eye out for a new one.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

There's a lot of world to see

create your own visited country map

Between my wife and I, these are the places we've been. Pretty sad. We need to get out more.

Smokers...keep your butts in your car!

Isn't this attractive? What, you don't think so? Neither do I. This is what happens when smokers throw their cigarette butts out of the window of their car. Would they do this in their smoky, stinky house? I sincerely doubt it. I guess their disregard for themselves translates itself into diregard for others and the environment. What a way to keep your community looking good. My taxes have to pay for the cleanup of this crap and it pisses me off. But I have found an ingenious solution...see the next pic!

This is called a car ashtray. As you can see this person is a non-smoker since his ashtray is filled with change. All you brilliant smokers could use this device to retain your cigarette butts until you got home or to work. Then you could empty the ashtray into the proper trash receptacle. What, you say? Then your car would be smelly? Well your house, clothes and hair already are malodorous, why not add your vehicle? Smoking is a choice you make. As such it is your responsibility to not ruin things for others who choose not to. Smoke all you want, I don't care. But be responsible and don't expect everyone else to clean up after you.