If it has two wheels, a chain and requires muscle power to move, I've probably ridden it. I've had some good adventures on my bikes and always have my eye out for a new one.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Random Thoughts

Here I am at a 'cross race in 2001, I think. This was the Monkey Hill race in Wilmington, DE. A very cool venue close to downtown. The park the race took place in was right next to the Brandywine Zoo. The zoo's monkey house was right on Monkey Hill. Brilliant! As you can see Saturn was still a team but I have no clue who the rider is. Maybe Mark McC or Bart Bowens? I believe Bart broke his leg at this race right by the monkey house. Nothing worse than crashing with a bunch of monkeys. That wasn't water in my bottle by the way. Instead I had some hip microbrew in there since alcohol wasn't allowed in the park and I wanted to be discreet. Lately, I've been a lazy ass on the bike. I'm proud to say I did ride the other day when it looked like it would rain. It didn't but it could have opened up at any minute. We got spit on a little but had no need for rain gear. The missus wants to try riding the wind trainer. I've explained to her how exciting that is but she'd rather do that than go out in the "cold." Is low 60s, cloudy and windy cold? Come January I'll be wishing for that kind of weather. Winter here in SoMD is not kind. Especially for someone like me from the sunny South!


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